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Current  Club Newsletter

We have an agreement in place to move forward with our partnership with Ozaukee County Fish and Game for 2025. 3D league length and shoot dates are not yet set in stone, but I'm hoping we'll know more soon.
And, thanks to Denny making the arrangements, the backstop berm is built for the practice range. The range will be located just inside the entrance to OFGA, to the north of the driveway. It will allow us to shoot out to 50 yards or so, maybe a touch longer. Access should be 24/7 as we are used to, but we will be issuing a 2025  membership card that you must have with you. It will have their combination for next year to allow for entry. 

Spring will be busy with getting everything set up on the range and thecourse.

I hope everybody is having a good fall, with good luck if you're hunting!!


backstop in process

Dear Buckskin Patrons,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to inform you all that Buckskin Bowmen has
received its eviction notice from the land we have called home for the last 35 years. As many
may know, the land we were on was a landfill and has been in litigation since the early 90’s
about responsibility of cleanup due to heavy metals, VOC, etc. While the swiftness of the
eviction has taken us by surprise, we have always been aware leaving this sight was a possibility.

Our membership has been amazing stewards of the land while we were here.
Our summer league has grown and stayed strong with each new season averaging 120 shooters on
Monday nights. This includes no slowing down through the COVID years due to the creative
thinking and work put in by members to ensure safety and continuation of the league. The club
worked its way up from 3 shoots each summer to offering 6 public shoots including a Traditional
Archery shoot and a final shoot of the year where upwards of 70 targets were set out for archers
to enjoy. Our focus was not only on current archers but offering youth/beginning archers a safe
place to get introduced to archery, get some shooting instruction, and put these new skills to the
test of a 3D range set up specifically for beginners. The 100 youth/ beginners we average the
last 2 years even had the opportunity to shoot at dinosaurs and Sasquatch!

Our club has also been able to help out the community in various ways. We supported
the Grafton Legion through donations the last 5 years. Our course was open to multiple police/
law enforcement groups to perform training exercise. Private events were held teaching archery
to boy scout, girl scout, 4-H, and even a birthday party or two! In conjunction with a local church,
we have held for over 5 years there most popular bible week activity. Most recently, a past
Buckskin member was fighting some rough medical situations with their child. The suggestion
came from our own youth to donate tips they collected and were collected throughout the
summer. Clearly our message of caring and support is being heard if our youth are making the

So, from every past president, league officer, and Buckskin member, I want to thank you
for your support over the years. I will truly miss seeing the friends I have made at shoots. We
put so much into this sport we love; it will be a void in our lives when the normal activities of
summer don’t happen. Once we have moved our property to a storage location, the task of
finding a permanent home for Buckskin after some 55-60 years will be our main goal.

If anyone has an avenue, we could pursue to obtain a piece of property we would greatly appreciate the
thought. Our team will be eager to find a home where we will once again welcome everyone to
enjoy the great sport and community of archery!

From the bottom of our hearts, Thank you!
Jim Carranza; Buckskin Bowmen

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