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2024 Season:

2023 Season:

2022 Season:

2021 Season:

2020 Season:

2019 Season:

2018 Season:

2017 Season:

17-pointer taken by Wes Freeland
Doe taken by Jon Freeland
Buck taken by Rick Semrad
Buck taken by Andy
Rick shot this 8-pointer
Wendy Haas took this buck
AJ Gall took down this 8-pointer
Jared Kison shot this 9-pointer
Neil Steffens shot this 8 pointer
Neil Steffens shot this 8 pointer
Gary Haas shot this 8-pointer
Brett T. tagged out this year
Tom D. got this 7-pointer
Jeff took this 10-pointer
Elk taken by Gary
Vicki shot this 8-pointer
Turkey taken in the Spring
Turkey Shot by Gary this Spring

2016 Season:

Brett shot this buck on 10/5

Brett shot this buck on 10/5

Doe taken Jan 29th by AJ Gall

Doe taken Jan 29th by AJ Gall

9 point Buck Shot by Gary Haas

9 point Buck Shot by Gary Haas

Chris shot this doe

Chris shot this doe

Allen shot this 10-pointer

Allen shot this 10-pointer

Tanner Shot this 7-point Buck

Tanner Shot this 7-point Buck

Wesley Freeland shot two does

Wesley Freeland shot two does

11-pointer Shot by Jon Freeland

11-pointer Shot by Jon Freeland

Hen shot by Vicki

Hen shot by Vicki

Doe Shot by Gary Haas

Doe Shot by Gary Haas

Doe Shot by Vicki

Doe Shot by Vicki

Bear shot by Bob Butler

Bear shot by Bob Butler

350# Bear Shot by Rick

350# Bear Shot by Rick

8pt Buck shot by Tanner

8pt Buck shot by Tanner

8pt Buck shot by Vicki

8pt Buck shot by Vicki

2015 Season:

Buck killed by Gary Haas

Buck killed by Gary Haas

Elk killed by Dennis Haas

Elk killed by Dennis Haas

Buck killed by AJ Gall

Buck killed by AJ Gall

Ben Baumann first deer with a bow

Ben Baumann first deer with a bow

Buck killed by Curt Hoffart

Buck killed by Curt Hoffart

Buck killed by Dean Mantel

Buck killed by Dean Mantel

Tom and Hen killed by Gary Haas

Tom and Hen killed by Gary Haas

Buck killed by Neil Steffens

Buck killed by Neil Steffens

Buck killed by Allen Beck

Buck killed by Allen Beck

Nub buck killed by Allen Beck

Nub buck killed by Allen Beck

Buck killed by Gary Haas

Buck killed by Gary Haas

Emma's first deer with a bow!

Emma's first deer with a bow!

Doe killed by Vicky Deneseus

Doe killed by Vicky Deneseus

Doe killed by Gary Haas

Doe killed by Gary Haas

Buckskin Bowmen Archery Club Location
N 5123 County Rd Y, Saukville, WI 53080
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